Hi there 👋
I’m David.
A passionate UX/UI Designer, currently improving shopping experience at 🐹 Dedoles.
As the only UI/UX designer, I’ve been responsible for the whole process of building new features and improving existing product, by doing the research, user testing to prototypes, icons illustrations and final designs.
The Koderia website has a lot of IT job listings, allowing you to find the right job for you. You can compare salaries and create your CV on the same page, making your job search easier.
GoldExchange, GoldCoin
Every GoldCoin is fully backed by physical gold stored in secured vaults.Trade cryptocurrencies using 100% secured and safe. GoldExchange is the best place to buy, sell, and trade Goldcoins.
Imagine a seamless food ordering process in your favourite restaurant via mobile app. From the table reservation, through the food ordering, payment and tips to delivery if you can’t make it. I designed all the features in the early stage and scalable design system library with illustrations and icons.
Verifyo goal is to transform rental application process into a fully digital, instant and stress-free experience for both landlords and renters. I defined new styles, drawn illustrations and designed whole new user experience on main websites.